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Keto Diet for Beginners

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The Keto (ketogenic) diet is immensely popular and difficult to follow for beginners. We help you weigh the pros and cons of trying it out.


The term “ketogenic diet” comes from the word “ketosis.” If you eat minimal carbohydrates, your body will go into ketosis, which is a natural process. Long-term ketogenic diets always contain a very high quantity of fat, very few carbohydrates, and an average amount of protein, despite the fact that there are no specific criteria for the ketogenic diet.

The ketogenic diet was actually developed in the 1920s for epilepsy patients. In 30% of them, medicines do not work or are insufficient. It was discovered almost by accident that a very low intake of carbohydrates and a high intake of fat did lead to a reduction in complaints in this group.

A ketogenic diet does not have to be heavy in fat in the short term. If you eat relatively few carbohydrates, your body can also use stored body fat as an energy source. People who are overweight have more fat and are thus more prone to burn fat. As long as you have excess body fat, this is achievable. If you want to stay in ketosis after that, you’ll need to supplement your diet with the fat your body requires for energy.

The low-carbohydrate keto diet was once again rated the most popular diet in the United States in a recent survey of trained dietitians. Fat, and a lot of it, is at the heart of this diet, accounting for up to 90% of daily calories.


With a ketogenic diet you eat very few carbohydrates, a maximum of 50 grams per day. The contribution of fats and proteins to your total energy intake is therefore high.

Carbohydrates are an important source of energy for the body. When you eat carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into glucose. Glucose provides your body with fuel that for example you need to move and breathe. Your body can store a supply of glucose as glycogen in your liver. Your body uses this supply when the amount of glucose in your blood drops. If you eat almost no carbohydrates, there is little glucose in your blood. The glycogen stores in your liver are then used. This gets further and further and is no longer supplemented as long as you do not eat more carbohydrates.

In order to still have enough fuel, your body switches to fatty acid combustion. Burning fatty acids produces ‘ketones’ or ‘ketone bodies’. Your body can use ketones for fuel instead of glucose. Ketones make the blood more acidic. The body goes into ‘ketosis’ by following a ketogenic diet.


The liver creates ketones when fats are burned. Ketones are a natural source of energy that can be used in the same way as glucose can. They are formed when there are no more glycogen stores. As a result, your body starts burning fat for fuel. Ketosis is the metabolic state in which the body is in.

They should also be referred to as “your own super gasoline.” This powerful fuel is used by many cells in the body. Glucose can be used to supply cells that do not utilize ketones. Your body can produce glucose on its own, for example, from proteins (glycogenesis). It’s a lovely natural process, and it’s all done without the use of carbohydrates or sweets.


You should consume a maximum of 20 to 40 grams of carbohydrates each day to enter and stay in ketosis. Foods with a low carbohydrate content include: Natural fats such as coconut oil, butter and olive oil, meat, fish, cheese, eggs and a limited amount of red fruit.


Carbohydrates include sugar and starch. Sugary and starchy foods should therefore be avoided. These are some of them: rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, pastry, soft drinks, and beer. As an alternative for bread you can eat KETO BREAD. Here you can find the recipe for a quick and easy Keto bread.



Your insulin level drops and your glucose reserves run out on a ketogenic diet because you eat almost no carbohydrates. This drives your body to seek out another source of energy. Your body encounters fats throughout this journey and gradually switches to fat burning. As a result, you burn more fats than you would on a typical diet.


A keto diet also has the added benefit of making you feel considerably less hungry, which helps you lose weight.


A ketogenic diet is frequently used to boost mental function, productivity, and combat brain fog.


In addition to the above benefits, a ketogenic diet can also offer many other benefits, including in various diseases and conditions. Below you will find some more examples that a keto diet can help against:

Excess visceral fat



Bad night’s sleep


High blood pressure



Chronic Inflammation

High blood sugar


Heart disease



There are a lot of hazards and drawbacks to the ketogenic diet. To begin with, the diet is not ideal for those with type 1 diabetes, as blood sugar levels can get dangerously low in this group. The diet is also inadvisable for persons who have had their gallbladder removed. Bile is stored in the gallbladder and is required for fat digestion. As a result, there isn’t enough bile to adequately break down lipids, which might lead to digestive issues.

People who have a history of eating problems, an underactive thyroid, or MS should avoid the keto diet.

Nutrient inadequacy is a severe concern of the ketogenic diet. As a result, eating a lot of green leafy vegetables is critical throughout this diet. This helps to prevent vitamin and mineral deficits. You can eat a lot of green leafy vegetables because they only have about 1% carbs, so you won’t break your ketosis.

The so-called keto flu is another danger. These are flu-like symptoms that occur when fluids are drained. During the first few days of the diet, you will lose a lot of fluid. This is due to a depletion of glycogen reserves (the form in which carbs are stored). Glycogen holds a lot of fluid, and as glycogen is removed, the fluid is lost as well. The symptoms of the keto flu can be alleviated by drinking plenty of water and getting enough sodium (salt)


It’s highly recommended that you only follow the ketogenic diet under the supervision of a doctor or dietician. They can advise you if it’s safe and if you’re getting all the nutrients your body requires. They can also assist you in achieving a healthy diet.